Monday, November 14, 2011

Wrinkle Relief Goes Beyond Botox For Smile Lines

Beverly Hills - Dr. Andre Berger, medical director of Rejuvalife Vitality Institute in Beverly Hills is performing the "Wrinkle Relief" procedure, a minimally-invasive treatment to reduce or eliminate "smile lines" and large forehead lines, all of which can add years to a person's appearance. The procedure can smooth out the lines and wrinkles. First, the doctor creates  a "tunnel" under the wrinkle. Then he injects a synthetic filler into the "tunnel", following the entire length of each wrinkle or smile line. The immediate result is a smooth, beautiful look.

For deeper wrinkles, Dr. Berger can use a specially designed wire scalpel which he introduces into facial wrinkles, gently releasing the adhesions that bind the skin to the muscles underneath, and is done under local anesthesia. Called a "Wrinkle Release", healing takes about a week.

The Wrinkle Release is a type of “undermining”;  the breaking apart of wrinkle lines with a special wire to create “tunnels” or “channels” under the skin.  The body’s response is to create collagen to fill the space, raising unwanted depressions and “plumping” wrinkles, folds and/or scars.

Dr Berger says that the procedures are suitable for women and men of all ages. In fact, many patients are in their thirties and want to keep their faces as wrinkle -free as possible, for as long as possible.

Doctor's P.R. provides health, aesthetic and medical news and information via broadcast, online and print media. All articles and physician statements are intended for general informational purposes only and are not to be used as medical advice. Always consult a physician for advice on any specific medical condition or when considering any treatment or procedure. 

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