Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to Avoid a Nose Job Nightmare. Revision rhinoplasty can fix mistakes.

Each year, over half a million people in the U.S. consult plastic surgeons beacuse of a desire to improve the appearance of their noses, often with an operation called a "rhinoplasty" or "nose job".

"Since the nose is the most defining feature of the face, even a slight alteration can greatly change a person's appearance," says Dr. Stephen Pincus, a board certified facial plastic surgeon who practices in Beverly Hills, CA.

Most plastic surgeons will agree that the nose is the most challenging part of the body to work on and achieve an aesthetically pleasing result. However, there are steps you can take to help ensure that you get the nose you want.

And a subspecialty of sorts has emerged, composed of "Nasal Revision Specialists", facial plastic surgeons who focus on fixing the mistakes of other doctors. 

There are many factors that impact the results of a rhinoplasty including the original deformity, the expertise of the surgeon, the skin type, the postoperative care and of course the patient's expectations.

"As with any plastic surgery procedure, the patient should have a realistic approach to what is achievable, and to clearly communicate with the surgeon" says Dr. Pincus. "The more specific you are in the exact details of shape, size and symmetry that you desire, the easier it is for the surgeon to comment on what he or she can do."

According to Dr. Pincus, here are the most common reasons are unhappy with their noses:

The Pinched Tip
The hanging "columella" (the area between the nostrils)
The drop (rounded) tip
The crooked nose
The scooped nose
The high tip
Crooked nasal bones
The wide nose

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